Space Shuttle - STS 7 (007) - Challenger (002)
Nutzlast & ExperimenteDeployable Payloads
Telesat 6 (ANIK-C2/PAM-D)
weitere Infos (NSSDC)
Palapa Pacific 1 (PALAPA-B1)
weitere Infos (NSSDC)
Shuttle Pallet Sat (SPAS-01)
weitere Infos (NSSDC)
Experimental Earth Yaw Sensor Package (YESP)
Bonn Neutral Mass Spectrometer (BNMS)
Solar Cell Calibration Experiment (SCCE)
Heat Pipes Experiment (HP)
Modular Optoelectric Multispectral Scanner (MOMS)
Friction Pressure Loss Experiment for Grannulate Air Under Microgravity (FPL)
Manganese-Bismuth I processing (MAUS-1 DG-206)
Critical Marangone Motion no. 1 (MAUS-2 DG-306)
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Attached PLB Payloads
Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications Pallet (OSTA-2)
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Crew Compartment Payload
Continuous Flow Electrophoresis System (CFES)
Monodisperse Latex Reactor (MLR)
Shuttle Student Involvement Program (SSIP)
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Getaway Special (GAS)
Plant Gravireception and Liquid Dispersion (G-033)
Soldering of Material (G-088)
Kristallwachstum in einer flüssigen Salzlösung (G-002)
Geotropism Fluid Dynamics and Nuclear Particle Velocity (G-009)
Ultraviolett-Spektrometer (G-305)
Ant Colony (G-012)
Payload Bay Environment (G-345)
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Special Payload Mission Kits
Remote Manipulator System (RMS)
Text and Graphics System (TAGS)
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