« Chronologie »
Space Shuttle - STS 65 (063) - Columbia (017)  

Nutzlast & Experimente

Attached PLB Payloads
International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2)
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Orbital Acceleration Research Experiment (OARE)
Inter-Mars Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter (ITEPC)

Microgravity Laboratory
Life Sciences Experiments
Microbial Air Sampler
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Effects of Microgravity on Aurelia Ephyra Behavior and Development
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Early Development of a Gravity-Receptor Organ in Microgravity
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Gravity and Stability of the Differentiated State of Plant Embryos
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Materials Science Experiments
Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS)
weitere Infos (GRC/NASA)
Gravitational Role in Liquid-Phase (GRLPS)
Interfacial Phenomenal in Multilayered Fluids (IPMFS)
Thermocapillary Migration and Interaction of Bubbles and Droplets (TMIBD)
Thermal Equilibration in a One-Component Critical Fluid (AFEQ TEQb)

Crew Compartment Payload
Commercial Protein Crystal Growth Experiment (CPCG)
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX/ARISS)
weitere Infos (American Radio Relay League, Inc.)
Military Applications of Ship Tracks (MAST)
Air Force Maui Optical Site Calibration Test (AMOS)
weitere Infos (AMOS Air Force Research Laboratory)



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