« Chronologie »
Space Shuttle - STS 105 (106) - Discovery (030)  

Nutzlast & Experimente

Deployable Payloads
ISS Assembly Flight (7A.1)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM)
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Materials International Space Station Experiments (MISSE)
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)

Crew Compartment Payload
Space Habitat Module (SPACEHAB)
weitere Infos (OSF/NASA)
Logistics Double Module (LDM)
weitere Infos (SPACEHAB, Inc.)
Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC)
weitere Infos (SPACEHAB Inc.)
Space Experiment Module (SEM-10)
weitere Infos (SSPP/NASA)
Space Travel’s Affect on Roots (STARS)
Flowers in Space
Food for Earth and Space
Corn - Tomorrows Food on Earth and in Space & Rusting in Space
Shirt & Shoes Required
weitere Infos (Arrowhead Union High School, Port Washington, WI)
Space Laser Comm 2001
Different Types of Seeds
Stuck on Space
Effects of the space environment of a variety of materials (SCI-FIVE)
Imaging Media & Radiation Shielding Experiment
Microgravity Smoldering Combustion
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Single-String Global Positioning System (PGSC, GPS)
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
Space Vision Laser Camera System
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)

Getaway Special (GAS)
Get Away Special Program (GAS)
weitere Infos (SSPP/NASA)
Cell Growth in Microgravity (G-780)
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)
weitere Infos (JSC/NASA)



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